For many years, patient pain was discounted within the medical field. Today we know that pain is real, it's subjective, and it cannot be ignored. Prescribing opiate pain killers to patients coping with chronic pain is only a temporary solution, and can have devastating consequences, like the creation of chemical dependence or hyperalgesia. At The Nanaimo Pain Clinic, we seek to treat pain without the use of addictive medications, using a procedure called Trigger Point Injection.

Trigger Point Injection

Myofascial pain syndrome is a common musculoskeletal disorder characterized by the presence of trigger points, and can occur as the result of repetitive stress or sudden injury. It has been implicated in patients with headache, neck pain, low back pain, and various other musculoskeletal and systemic disorders. The prevalence of myofascial trigger points among patients reporting pain anywhere in the body ranged from 30% to 93% in a national study [National Library of Medicine], making this type of pain one of the most prominent in North America today. Although the most important strategy in treatment of myofascial pain syndrome is to identify the etiological lesion that causes the activation of trigger points, TPI is widely regarded as one of the most effective treatments for pain relief, and therefore is one of the most commonly practiced pain treatment techniques available in lieu of pharmaceuticals. Many patients report noticeable relief from pain in just one visit.

TPI will not work for everyone. In many cases, far greater improvement can be noted in patients who are also addressing their mood with the use of anti-depressant medications and talk therapy.

Trigger Point Injection treatments are by referral only. Please discuss your candidacy with your family physician